Pubblicato il: 2023-12-09
This report was coordinated and written by the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” and Politecnico di Milano and UNIBA research groups. UNICA, UNICT and UNIBO have collaborated in the writing.
The present "Repository of solutions for monitoring and increasing the local attractiveness and resilience of specific areas", constitutes the first Deliverable (D.7.3.1. Repository) od the WP3 Area Specific Planning and is fully within the actions related to the Milestones M.7.3.1. Selection of Case
studies for each territorial typology (M12) and M.7.3.2. Completion of local data collection and integration to WP1 data for each case study (M18).
The main activities are related to Tasks 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.3.3 of the WP3, which were conducted in parallel by the research units of UNIBA, POLIMI, UNINA, UNIBO, UNICA, UNICT:
The first year of work was dedicated to defining some interpretative frameworks starting from the territorial typologies identified by the research. The activity involved the construction of integrated and dialoguing databases to define the characteristics, dimensions, and dynamics of Italian
territories through the categories of: Metropolitan Italy, Inner Italy, Intermediate Italy, to which a fourth transversal category was added, that of the insular Italy. This part of the work held together quantitative and qualitative analysis starting from the spatialisation and cartographic visualisation of data and indicators to be integrated with the sets of indicators elaborated within the framework of WP1 (Human Capital, Social Capital, Physical Capital, Economic Capital).
The document returns the work of defining interpretative frameworks for the sustainability of Italian territories and the specification of a hybrid taxonomy in 13 classes, which allow for a preliminary classification that problematises and complexifies the territorial typologies of metropolitan, inner and intermediate Italy. This taxonomy is intertwined with a macro-regional classification that allows insular Italy to be distinguished from the rest of Italy (North, South, Centre), starting from the recognition of the country's settlement and geomorphological structures. The classification can be read in its extended or reduced dimension, with some elements of overlapping between the three territorial typologies, as for example, in the case of the metropolitan fringes that can participate in the macro-class Italy Metropolitan or Intermediate Italy.
The document provides the methodologies adopted, references and main work themes, research operations and articulation of activities carried out. The final part of the Repository is tripartite into Bibliographic Repository, Dataset, and Indicators. The final part of the Repository is divided into
bibliographic Repository, dataset, and indicators.
Fondazione GRINS
Growing Resilient,
Inclusive and Sustainable
Galleria Ugo Bassi 1, 40121, Bologna, IT
C.F/P.IVA 91451720378
Finanziato dal Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR), Missione 4 (Infrastruttura e ricerca), Componente 2 (Dalla Ricerca all’Impresa), Investimento 1.3 (Partnership Estese), Tematica 9 (Sostenibilità economica e finanziaria di sistemi e territori).