Giuseppe Cavaliere, Luca Fanelli, Fabio Franceschini. University of Bologna.
Giuseppe Cavaliere, Enzo D’Innocenzo, and Luca Fanelli. Department of Economics, University of Bologna
A policy brief on debt sustainability and financial stability also under compound risk.
Analysis of measures to enhance the energy efficiency of Italian buildings - Energy poverty in Italy
This policy brief includes an analysis of measures to enhance the energy efficiency of Italian buildings and an assessment of energy poverty (EP) in Italy.
Fabio Franceschini, University of Bologna.
University of Bologna: Bongermino G. and Romagnoli S.
A policy brief by Andrea Consiglio, professor of Mathematical Finance at University Of Palermo.
Alice Di Bella (Polytechnic University of Milan and CMCC), Paola Rocchi (CMCC), Daniele Lerede (University of Turin), Valeria Di Cosmo (University of Turin)
Licence: V1.0
This policy brief explores the critical role of Green Public Procurement (GPP), focusing on the ongoing research activities conducted by three university research groups.
Giuseppe Cavaliere, Luca Fanelli and Marco Mazzali. Department of Economics, University of Bologna
University of Bologna: Silvia Romagnoli, Amia Santini
A policy brief by Andrea Consiglio, professor of Mathematical Finance at University Of Palermo.
This policy brief includes three different research contributions to energy economics and decarbonization challenges.
Andrea Mazzocchetti, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Roberto Casarin, Ovielt Baltodano López, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Un lavoro di Laura Campanini, Responsabile Local Public Finance Direzione Studi Intesa Sanpaolo.
This policy brief highlights two lines of research: one on climate change perceptions and one on behavioral incentives related to sustainable waste management.
Fondazione GRINS
Growing Resilient,
Inclusive and Sustainable
Galleria Ugo Bassi 1, 40121, Bologna, IT
C.F/P.IVA 91451720378
Finanziato dal Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR), Missione 4 (Infrastruttura e ricerca), Componente 2 (Dalla Ricerca all’Impresa), Investimento 1.3 (Partnership Estese), Tematica 9 (Sostenibilità economica e finanziaria di sistemi e territori).